Corporate Lawyers in Bangalore

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    Corporate Law Firm in Bangalore

    Our corporate lawyers in Bangalore at Wintrustlegal smooths the path of corporate law issues, enabling the growth of the organization. Corporate Law is a niche in the field of law, as it pertains mainly to corporate services however the array of services is dynamic and variant. Such services are unique and associated with the daily functioning of any corporate firm or business. For a Company to function, it needs to comply with certain procedures and regulations, a corporate law firm in Bangalore like ours can enable the company or the business to comply with the regulatory framework thereby contributing to the growth of the company.

    Importance of Corporate Lawyer

    India is a growing economy, fast-scaling and developing every minute. One of the major contributors towards the economy in India is the corporate arena. The development and establishment of new corporations and the growth of existing establishments have been on a boom. In this dynamic and rapid growth of corporations over the country, the development of corporate law has become essential. Corporate Law Advisory necessitates the mitigation efforts and risk management associated with the growth of the company or corporation.  Wintrustlegal provide an all-time, one-of-a-kind service as a corporate lawyer team in Bangalore.

    Types of Corporate Cases handled by Our Lawyers in Bangalore

    Corporate Governance

    The applicability of Corporate Governance pertains to the effectuality of the Companies Act 2013 on both listed and unlisted Companies in India. Corporate Governance defines a set of rules, procedures and regulatory framework to determine the functioning of a company.  Wintrustlegal ensures to formulate, structure and regulate the framework concerning the Corporate Governance of a company.

    Corporate Advisory

    Corporate Advisory Services in corporate law are a whole gamut of vast numbers of corporate activity. Corporate Advisory Services include but are not limited to Project Consulting, Corporate Restructuring, Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint venture/PPP Advisory, Company Valuation, Due Diligence etc. Corporate Advisory services are a wide spectrum of varied services, which enables enhancing the stakeholder value in the organisation. Henceforth, it is an essential service for both public and private companies who are looking for beneficial insight into the structuring of the business.

    Criminal and Civil Liability of a Company

    The status of a company in India is regarded as a legal entity. Though a company neither has a mind nor a body, it is considered an artificial person, thereby possessing rights and duties. Hence, a company’s liability arises in both civil and criminal nature. A body corporate can also be liable for the wrongdoings committed by its employee, thus the company is held to be vicariously liable. Sections 53, 57 etc. highlight the criminal liabilities of a company. Wintrustlegal provides services to deal with the above-discussed liabilities and to safeguard the interests of the company.

    Responsibility of Directors and Shareholder Rights

    The Board of Directors and Shareholders are the two pillars of a company. The rights and duties of shareholders and directors have been discussed in the Companies Act 2013, and this Act is the governing law for the proper functioning of any company in India. Wintrustlegal thereby enables the identification of the responsibilities of the directors and shareholder rights, advising upon the creation of different committees, execution of Board Resolutions, determining the type of shareholders, holding of meetings etc.

     Securities Law

    The various intricate issues under the Indian Securities Laws include but are not limited to insider trading, fraudulent activities and practices, compliances with listing regulations etc. Wintrustlegal has to be equipped with an efficient team to deal with these issues and therefore experience and expertise comes into the picture to determine the efficacy of the team to handle such securities law issues.The expert lawyers thereby function as an efficient support for the company to deal with the varied spectrum of issues related to Securities Law.

    Breach of Contract

    The Indian Contract Act 1872, is the quintessential act dealing with the contract’s execution in India. A contract is legally binding as per the Indian Contract Act, of 1872, and according to the same breach of contract is a violation of the legal contract and thus invites penalty and damages. Remedies for breach of contract include Damages or compensation, recovery of possession of the property, specific performance of the contract, the rectification of instrument, rescission of contracts, cancellation of instruments, declaratory decrees, injunctions etc.  Wintrustlegal enables the company or individual to avail services to obtain the remedies for the breach of contract.

    Violation of Intellectual Property

    Intellectual Property Rights Law in India, is a broad arena which is ever-expanding. As businesses grow, the need for brand recognition and thereby protection of the name, the design, the material, the trade secrets etc. becomes essential Violation of Intellectual Property amounts to infringement of the IPR. Corporate law professionals provide in-depth insight into the field of Intellectual Property Rights and thereby provide essential services for remedies related to the infringement of Intellectual Property.

    Merger and Acquisitions

    Mergers and Acquisitions add substantial value to the business as it enables the growth of any business through the amalgamation of two individual or separate businesses. Mergers and Acquisitions incorporate various transactions, ranging from negotiation to strategizing, acquisition and buyouts, due diligence and penultimately post-merger integration. The transactional processes can be efficiently managed by Corporate Law experts, who can provide certain insights to make the process hassle-free.

     Dispute Resolution

    Dispute Resolution in corporate law plays an essential role in determining the solution to the dispute arising between businesses or companies or individuals per se. The major dispute resolution mechanisms involved in corporate law are- Mediation, Arbitration and Adjudication. Mediation and Arbitration are forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR. Both Mediation and Arbitration involve a third party to resolve the dispute between the parties of the dispute.

    Company Formation

    Company Formation in India is an integral part of Corporate law services. Company formation is governed by the Companies Act, of 2013. The processes include the process of creation of a Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, authorisation of share capital and equity shares, the appointment of auditors and books of accounts place to be decided in the Annual General Meeting, filings of various particulars related to the name of Directors, share capital, registered office addresses on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs portal etc. Wintrustlegal can facilitate the smooth functioning of these processes by providing their expertise and valuable insight into the processes, thereby making the process for the company easier.

    Labour Law Compliances

    Labour Law Compliances that set the expectations of the treatment of the workforce in any workplace. Compliance related to labour law may be imposed by both the State and Central Government. The various filings related to Labour Law include the Maternity Benefit Act, Minimum Wages Act, Employment Exchanges Act, and Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act (POSH). These filings are essential as they are the reflection of the status of employees in the workplace in India.

    Ready to protect your legal rights?

    Consult with our expert team of lawyers today and gain the professional representation you deserve.

    Why Choose Us as your corporate Lawyer?

    We here at Wintrustlegal, facilitate the expansion of the company through a variety of services, advising on every engagement including management and structuring of a company, mergers and acquisitions, company formation, joint ventures etc. We have a team of expert corporate lawyers having ample experience in the field of corporate law. We are amongst the top corporate law firms in Bangalore and thus prove to be efficient in our services.

    Importance of Hiring a Corporate Law Firm in Bangalore

    The legal intricacies of any corporate transaction and thereby the cases related to them can be challenging however with an efficient team of lawyers, such challenges can be tackled well throughout. A lack of legal expertise can lead to costly mistakes and dire legal consequence, hence an expert team of advocates of a corporate law firm become essential to handle such corporate transactions and cases. Wintrustlegal provide solutions catering to the needs of their client, we help our clients to manoeuvre through challenging situations by providing our legal counsel and advice through our corporate lawyers in Bangalore.

    Why Choose Wintrustlegal

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    Years Of Experience
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    National Offices
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    Professional Attorneys
    0 mlns
    Recovered Cost


    legal service

    “Finding a competent legal expert who works within our expectations and budget was crucial for us as a firm looking to develop our commercial footprint in India. I was amazed by the degree of competence and knowledge in the transactional advising needed for business establishment in India after working with Wintrustlegal. The Wintrustlegal Team discussed the arrangements with our counterparts after fully understanding our demands, disagreements, and deadlines. I'm looking forward to working with your company once more on other projects and would heartily endorse it to others.”

    FSTB Corporations Pvt Ltd

    legal service

    “The Wintrustlegal team's skill and understanding are its greatest strengths. We have seen business success thanks to the firm's practical & efficient solutions.”

    P Kumar

    legal service

    “I had several significant professional interactions with Wintrustlegal India, and they consistently impressed me with their exceptional professionalism. It is highly commended the efficiency, civility, and skill displayed in their interactions with the clients. In-depth analysis of legal issues offers them an advantage over their competitors and exemplifies the standard of excellence they have acquired as a law business. “

    Rakesh Singh

    Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can assist you with your case.


    Wintrustlegal provide a variety of services related to corporate law ranging from Corporate Governance to Mergers and Acquisitions.

    Wintrustlegal is a state-of-the-art firm, and it provides services both domestically and internationally.

    Corporate law services require confidentiality as it deals with sensitive subject matter relating to the corporate governance of the firm. Wintrustlegal ensures that the sensitive data of the firm is protected at all costs and that there is an amicable resolution of the dispute at issue.

    Wintrustlegal entrusts its client with the faith that their interests shall be protected and the dispute shall be resolved at a faster pace, through a cost-effective legal solution. The tailored solution provided by Wintrustlegal sets it apart from the other law firms in Bangalore.

    The corporate field of law is dynamic and changes with the critical change in the economy of the country. Wintrustlegal ensures to be updated about the changes in corporate law and regulations and thus provides custom legal solutions to its clients.

    The corporate law services provided by us are discussed above.

    Corporate laws and regulations are of dynamic nature and change according to the changing structure of the economy of any country. Hence, an adept knowledge of the new regulations and guidelines becomes essential for any company or corporation. An experienced Corporate law firm like Wintrustlegal can provide essential legal counsel to keep the company updated about the changes in laws and regulation related to company law.

    Our approach to resolving corporate law disputes is client-centric. We provide resolutions based on the rights and interests of our clients, and always aim to protect the same.

    We provide our services at an affordable rate.