Best Criminal Lawyers In Delhi For Legal Representation

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    Why do we need Criminal Lawyers in Delhi and How can we help?

    A skilled criminal attorney’s responsibility is to ensure that his clients have access to the finest defenses at the right time in order to get the best outcomes. Leading them through all legal choices available under the law while retaining their information in complete secrecy out of a professional commitment, Wintrustlegal’ top criminal advocates in Delhi serve our clients in the best way possible.

    Criminal Advocates

    Types Of Criminal Cases Handled By Our Lawyers In Delhi

    White Collar Crime


    The Indian penal code states in section 302 that anyone who kills another person would be sentenced to death or life in jail as well as a fine. It is a crime that the Court of Session can try, is cognizable and is not subject to bail. Clients who are either the victims of this crime or who have been unfairly accused are represented by the best criminal lawyers in Delhi. We even offer our clients defense services.


    Robbery is a serious criminal offense that carries a maximum ten-year sentence in jail and a fine. The sentence might be significantly heavier, including the death penalty or life in prison, if a lethal weapon was used in the crime. In such situations, our top criminal lawyers in Delhi stand in for our clients and vigorously defend them.


    According to some legal definitions, an assault is when someone intentionally causes another person bodily injury or unwanted physical contact, or when they threaten or attempt to do so. It can lead to criminal prosecution, civil liability, or both because it is both a crime and a tort. In assault cases, we defend the rights of our clients by representing them.


    Section 379 of the Indian Penal Code specifies the punishment for theft. Theft is punishable under this section of the Indian Penal Code either by imprisonment of either kind for a term that may not exceed three years, by fine, or by both.


    Fraud is the intentional deception to gain unauthorized benefits or deny rights. Tax, credit card, wire, securities, and bankruptcy fraud are common examples.
    Human Trafficking


    Kidnapping refers to the forcible removal of a person against his or her will using threat, coercion, or deception. The goal of an abduction is typically to demand a ransom or obtain information for political purposes, or other reasons. The IPC’s Section 359 divides kidnapping into two categories and defines it under Sections 360 and 361. We represent clients who have been victims of such crimes and defend their rights.
    Drug Trafficking

    Drug Trafficking

    Drug trafficking involves the illegal production, distribution, and sale of banned chemicals worldwide. Due to its proximity to the trafficking routes, India has a particularly difficult time regulating the illicit maritime drug trade.


    A sort of crime involving a computer or a computer network is called cybercrime. It is possible that the computer was either the intended target or used in the crime, which could result in compromise of someone’s security or finances through cybercrime. We stand up for and defend the rights of our clients who have fallen victim to online crime.

    Domestic Violence

    Domestic violence

    Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, is any form of abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, that occurs in a marriage or other intimate relationship.
    Sexual Offenses

    Sexual assault

    Indian law presupposes the victim’s lack of consent in a wide range of situations, including rape by someone in a position of authority, rape in the custody of a person, and rape by a relative, guardian, teacher, person in a position of trust, or someone who has dominance over a woman. We condemn such acts against women and protect the rights of our clients through sound legal guidance and strong representation.

    Why Choose Wintrustlegal for your Criminal Cases in Delhi

    Expertise in Criminal Law

    Due to our staff’s commitment to quick and reliable legal services, we rank among the top criminal attorneys in the Delhi-National Capital Region. Our criminal defense lawyers are very aware of how the legal system operates, and they will take every precaution to protect you from severe penalties.

    Extensive Experience in Handling Criminal Cases

    Years of criminal law practice in various Delhi courts have helped our highly skilled team of criminal lawyers establish a solid reputation for themselves. Our criminal solicitors at the Delhi High Court are skilled at foreseeing and preparing for unforeseen scenarios in order to defend our clients’ interests.

    Strong Track Record of Successful Case Results

    At the national level in India, our firm has represented numerous clients in various types of criminal cases. From Lower Trial Courts to the Honourable Supreme Court of India, the firm has a strategy of offering a prompt, effective remedy that is also affordable.

    Human Trafficking
    Criminal Attorney

    Personalized Approach to Each Client's Case

    Our criminal law firm in Delhi understands that each case is different from others, thus we provide tailored legal solutions to every client. We aim to provide them with a personalized approach to their case and ensure the best representation possible for their case.

    Dedicated and Aggressive Representation

    Both procedural and substantive concerns can be effectively handled by our team of criminal specialist lawyers in Delhi. Developing the proper methods for criminal litigation requires both the correct aptitude and the right strategies.

    How we are different from other Criminal advocates in Delhi

    The team of our best criminal advocates in Delhi takes great pleasure in its diversity and breadth of experience, which allows us to continuously produce the greatest outcomes. We act in the dual capacities of solicitor and lawyer for our clients across a range of forums and practise areas, from the inquiry and investigation stage all the way up to the Supreme Court of India, which distinguishes us from other litigation businesses in India.

    Criminal Lawyers Delhi

    Our Process

    You can anticipate a thorough and effective criminal law procedure as a customer of Wintrustlegal. First, our group of knowledgeable attorneys will thoroughly investigate the accusations leveled against you. After that, we will put together a solid defense plan and represent you in court. Be assured that our attorneys are dedicated to defending your rights throughout the trial process, providing you with a guarantee of a fair trial. Additionally, we will bargain with the prosecution to get you the best result possible. We will take the judgment to a higher court if required. We at Wintrustlegal are aware of the stress and worry that accompany being accused of a crime. We are dedicated to giving you the best legal representation and assistance available because of this.

    Criminal Process in Delhi

    Benefits of hiring Wintrustlegal for Criminal Cases in Delhi

    Wintrustlegal’ criminal attorney in Delhi handles a variety of criminal and quasi-criminal concerns, including white-collar crimes, cybercrimes, defamation, and negotiable instruments, among others. The anonymity of our clients is our first priority, and we work hard to earn their trust. We support the ends of justice by providing the wrongfully accused with a robust defense and the victims with solid evidence. For the finest client experience, our staff uses cutting-edge methods and our offices are outfitted with the newest technology.

    Why Choose Wintrustlegal

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    legal service

    “As a victim of criminal offense, I was lost and scared, I didn’t know whom to approach and how to approach and that’s when I came across Wintrustlegal. They guided me with compassion and helped me navigate my way through the case. I am very thankful to them”

    Kavita Sharma

    legal service

    “I was falsely accused of a crime and I was frightened on how to proceed. Wintrustlegal’ experienced lawyers helped me in this situation and defended my case successfully.”

    Anil Bhatia

    legal service

    “I was in a legal battle against my partner for fraud, Wintrustlegal provided me with responsible, professional advice which helped me win this case.”

    Rahul Tyagi

    Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can assist you with your case.


    You can get out of this situation by hiring a reputable criminal attorney. But you also need to be aware of your legal options if a fake FIR is filed against you. When it comes to false charges, not everyone is familiar with their legal rights.
    Simple incarceration is a type of imprisonment where the criminal or accused is imprisoned but is not forced to perform any hard labor, as is the case with harsh imprisonment. When a fine won’t be enough to achieve the desired result, simple jail is given.
    Criminal case resolution in Indian courts is incredibly delayed. At the district court level, a full criminal case in India may normally take six to eight years or longer. If the case is appealed, it might take another 6–8 years for the High Court to reach a ruling. In India, cases take a very long time to resolve, and numerous undertrials conclude while a criminal case is still pending.

    When choosing a criminal attorney, it is critical to keep the following factors in mind:-

    • Criminal law expertise and experience
    • a history of producing positive results in cases
    • Interpersonal and communication abilities that are good
    • knowledge of the local criminal justice system and its processes
    • Being accessible and accommodating to client needs
    • Transparent billing procedures and charge structures
    • Positive word-of-mouth and client references

    Your bail lawyer in Delhi will appear on your behalf in court once the bail application has been submitted and a hearing date has been scheduled. This indicates that they will make an argument on your behalf to persuade the court or magistrate to grant you bail.

    We can provide you with legal advice regarding the filing of an FIR, criminal cases involving non-cognizable offenses, protection of your right to life and liberty, criminal trials (framing of charges, evidence, and arguments), regular and anticipatory bails, criminal appeals, the quashing of an FIR, and Special Leave Petitions (Criminal) before the Honourable Supreme Court.
    The top criminal defense attorneys typically have 25 to 30 years of experience. The fees charged by seasoned criminal defense attorneys are considerable, and judges in the courtroom greatly value their representation. In the later stages of their career, an accomplished civil attorney may switch to criminal law. You can rely on us to handle these matters because we have more than 20 years of experience.
    Yes, we assist in both the pre-trial and trial stages of a criminal case in Delhi.
    We articulate a unique approach depending on the facts and circumstances of the case. We believe in defending our clients aggressively and vigorously and enable them to get justice.
    You can visit our official website or contact us through our contact details as provided on the website.