Expert Insolvency & Bankruptcy Lawyers in Delhi for Financial Relief & Legal Support

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    Insolvency & Bankruptcy Lawyers in Delhi

    In India, Insolvency & Bankruptcy lawyers in Delhi are required by individuals and businesses who are facing financial difficulties and are unable to pay their debts. These lawyers help clients navigate the complex legal procedures involved in insolvency and bankruptcy cases. Wintrustlegal is a leading Insolvency & Bankruptcy law firm in Delhi with over 20 years of experience and 500+ happy clients. They provide expert legal advice and representation to clients, helping them to resolve their financial issues and get back on track. With their extensive knowledge and experience, Wintrustlegal is a trusted partner for clients in need of legal assistance.

    Insolvency Bankruptcy Advocates

    Types Of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Cases

    Corporate Insolvency

    Corporate Insolvency

    We assist companies facing financial distress by providing comprehensive legal guidance throughout the insolvency process. Our team specializes in assessing the company’s financial viability, initiating insolvency proceedings, and representing our client’s interests in negotiations with creditors and stakeholders.

    Individual Insolvency

    Individual Insolvency

    For individuals burdened by overwhelming debt, we offer expert support in navigating the individual insolvency process. We guide our clients through filing for bankruptcy, negotiating with creditors, and working towards a favorable debt resolution, allowing them to regain control of their financial well-being.

    Debt Restructuring

    Debt Restructuring

    Through strategic debt restructuring, we help businesses and individuals manage their debts effectively. Our experienced lawyers analyze the financial situation, negotiate with creditors, and formulate practical restructuring plans that aim to reorganize debts, ease financial burdens, and ensure sustainable repayment arrangements.

    Insolvency Litigation

    Insolvency Litigation

    In cases involving disputes and litigation related to insolvency matters, we provide strong legal representation. Our skilled litigators advocate for our client’s rights in court, presenting compelling arguments and leveraging our in-depth knowledge of insolvency laws to achieve favorable outcomes.

    Cross Border Insolvency

    Cross-Border Insolvency

    We assist clients in cross-border insolvency cases where the assets, debts, or stakeholders involved span multiple jurisdictions. With our international expertise, we navigate complex legal frameworks, coordinate with foreign legal entities, and devise strategies to protect our client’s interests in cross-border insolvency proceedings.

    Insolvency Resolution For Msmes

    Insolvency Resolution for MSMEs

    Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) facing insolvency challenges can rely on our specialized assistance. We guide MSMEs through the insolvency resolution process, offering tailored solutions that prioritize business continuity, debt restructuring, and negotiating favorable terms with creditors.

    Insolvency Mediation

    Insolvency Mediation

    We recognize the value of alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, in resolving insolvency matters. Our firm facilitates mediation processes, working towards mutually beneficial agreements between debtors and creditors and minimizing the need for costly and protracted litigation.

    Liquidation Proceedings

    Liquidation Proceedings

    When liquidation is the most viable option for a distressed company, we provide comprehensive support throughout the liquidation proceedings. Our team navigates the legal requirements, ensures compliance with applicable laws, and represents our clients’ interests to maximize returns to stakeholders in the liquidation process.

    Fraudulent Preference Claims

    Fraudulent Preference Claims

    We assist clients in pursuing or defending fraudulent preference claims, which involve transactions made before insolvency proceedings that may be deemed preferential. Our experienced lawyers analyze the circumstances, gather evidence, and strategically advocate for our client’s interests in fraudulent preference claims.

    Insolvency Advice And Consultation

    Insolvency Advice and Consultation

    In addition to specific case representation, we offer expert advice and consultation on various aspects of insolvency and bankruptcy. Our team provides comprehensive assessments, customized strategies, and actionable recommendations to individuals and businesses seeking proactive insolvency guidance.

    Why Choose Us For Insolvency & Bankruptcy law cases in Delhi


    Benefit from the expertise of our seasoned lawyers, who possess a profound understanding of Insolvency & Bankruptcy law. We offer unparalleled legal advice and representation, ensuring that you receive the highest level of guidance and support.

    Personalized Attention

    At our firm, our Insolvency & Bankruptcy attorney in Delhi recognize the uniqueness of each case and prioritize understanding your specific needs and concerns. Our dedicated lawyers work closely with you to craft a customized legal strategy that aligns with your goals, ensuring effective representation and tailored solutions.

    Results-driven approach

    Our best insolvency & bankruptcy advocates in Delhi are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients. Our unwavering dedication is focused on safeguarding your rights and diligently representing your interests at all times.

    Insolvency Advice And Consultation
    Insolvency Bankruptcy Attorney

    Cost-effective solutions

    Our Best Insolvency & Bankruptcy lawyers in Delhi understand that legal fees can be a concern for many clients. That’s why we offer cost-effective solutions that are tailored to your specific needs and budget.


    Our Insolvency & Bankruptcy law firms in Delhi has a reputation for excellence in the legal community. Our reputation is built on the pillars of professionalism, integrity, and unwavering commitment to our clients. When you entrust us with your legal matters, rest assured that you have chosen the finest in the field.

    How We Are Different From Other Insolvency & Bankruptcy Lawyers in Delhi

    As an individual facing insolvency or bankruptcy in Delhi, you need the best legal representation possible. That’s where the top Insolvency & Bankruptcy advocates in Delhi come in. Our differentiating factor lies in our unwavering dedication to providing personalized attention and tailored solutions. Recognizing the uniqueness of each case, we prioritize attentive listening to comprehend your specific needs and concerns. With our team of experienced lawyers possessing a profound understanding of Indian law and the intricacies of the insolvency and bankruptcy process, we tirelessly strive to safeguard your rights and guide you through this challenging time, ensuring you face it with confidence.

    Insolvency Bankruptcy Lawyers Delhi

    Our Process

    At Wintrustlegal, our team of experienced lawyers specializes in guiding clients through the insolvency and bankruptcy law process in India. The initial step involves filing an application for insolvency resolution with the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). Once filed, an interim resolution professional (IRP) is appointed to oversee the company’s affairs during the resolution process. The IRP will solicit claims from creditors and establish a committee of creditors (CoC) to make crucial decisions regarding the company’s future. If a resolution plan is approved by the CoC, it must subsequently gain approval from the NCLT. In cases where no resolution plan is approved, the company proceeds toward liquidation. Our adept lawyers are dedicated to assisting clients in navigating this intricate process, ensuring the most favorable outcome for their company.

    Insolvency Bankruptcy Process in Delhi

    Benefits Of Hiring Our Insolvency & Bankruptcy Lawyers in Delhi

    As a reputable Indian law firm, we possess a comprehensive understanding of the intricate ins and outs of insolvency and bankruptcy laws. OurTop Insolvency & Bankruptcy lawyers in Delhi and highly skilled team of lawyers based in Delhi is dedicated to offering invaluable legal guidance and representation during these challenging times. Engaging our services means accessing our lawyers’ expertise in negotiating with creditors, navigating the bankruptcy filing process, and safeguarding your assets. We are unwavering in our commitment to delivering personalized attention and tailored solutions to ensure the attainment of your objectives. 

    Why Choose Wintrustlegal

    0 +
    Years Of Experience
    0 +
    Client Consutations
    National Offices
    0 +
    Professional Attorneys
    0 mlns
    Recovered Cost


    legal service

    “As a small business owner, I was struggling to keep up with my debts and creditors. I was at a loss as to what to do until I came across Wintrustlegal' Insolvency & Bankruptcy Law service. Their team of experts helped me navigate the complex legal process and provided me with the necessary guidance to restructure my debts and get back on track. I am grateful for their support and highly recommend their services to anyone facing financial difficulties. ”

    Sudhir Tailang

    legal service

    “ As a creditor, I was facing a difficult situation with a debtor who had defaulted on their payments. I was unsure of my legal rights and options until I reached out to Wintrustlegal. Their team of experienced lawyers provided me with the necessary legal advice and representation to recover my dues. Their professionalism and expertise in insolvency & bankruptcy law were truly impressive, and I would not hesitate to recommend their services to anyone in a similar situation. ”

    Valmik Thapar

    legal service

    “ As an individual facing personal bankruptcy, I was overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. I reached out to Wintrustlegal for help, and they provided me with the necessary legal guidance and support to navigate the complex legal process. Their team of experts helped me understand my options and provided me with the necessary representation to protect my interests. I am grateful for their support and highly recommend their services to anyone facing similar financial difficulties. ”


    Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can assist you with your case.


    Insolvency and bankruptcy law in Delhi governs the legal framework for individuals and businesses facing financial distress. It provides mechanisms for debt resolution, including restructuring or liquidation, to help individuals and businesses regain financial stability.

    Different types of bankruptcy proceedings available in Delhi include individual insolvency, corporate insolvency, and MSME insolvency. The appropriate proceeding depends on factors such as the nature of the debtor and the extent of the financial distress.

    To protect assets and interests during the bankruptcy process in Delhi, seeking legal counsel is crucial. Our experienced lawyers assist clients in understanding exemption laws, navigating asset protection strategies, and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

     Filing for bankruptcy in Delhi has consequences on credit score and financial future. It can impact creditworthiness in the short term, but it offers an opportunity for a fresh start. Our lawyers provide guidance on rebuilding credit and planning for a stable financial future post-bankruptcy.

    Negotiating with creditors outside of bankruptcy court is possible in Delhi. Our firm explores debt relief options such as debt settlement, loan modification, and repayment plans, negotiating with creditors to find mutually agreeable solutions while avoiding the need for bankruptcy.

    The bankruptcy process duration in Delhi depends on the complexity of the case. It typically involves steps such as filing the petition, creditor meetings, evaluation of assets, and distribution of assets to creditors. Our lawyers ensure a smooth process, minimizing delays and expediting proceedings.

     Fees and costs associated with hiring an insolvency and bankruptcy lawyer in Delhi vary based on the complexity of the case and the services required. We offer transparent fee structures, providing a fair and competitive pricing model tailored to each client’s circumstances.

    Debtors in bankruptcy proceedings have rights and responsibilities. Our lawyers safeguard debtor rights, ensuring fair treatment, protection from creditor harassment, and adherence to due process. We guide debtors in fulfilling their obligations, such as attending meetings and providing accurate financial information.

    Avoiding bankruptcy involves proactive financial management. We offer personalized advice on budgeting, debt management, and alternative solutions to bankruptcy. Our aim is to help clients improve their financial situation, establish healthier financial habits, and explore viable alternatives to bankruptcy.

    Filing for bankruptcy in Delhi carries both risks and benefits. Risks include the impact on credit scores and limited access to credit in the short term. Filing for bankruptcy offers advantages such as relief from debts, safeguarding against creditor actions, and the chance to embark on a new financial journey. We provide informed guidance to help clients make well-informed decisions based on their unique circumstances.