Expert Supreme Court Lawyers in Delhi for Your Legal Needs

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    Supreme Court Lawyers in Delhi

    We are aware of our obligation to uphold our client’s rights and ensure that they are heard in the highest court of law.  We have an excellent team of solicitors who thoroughly investigate each matter and provide the Supreme Court of India’s Honourable Judges with our strongest case. In India, anybody seeking legal representation before the country’s highest court must hire the best Supreme Court attorneys in Delhi. These situations can be both civil and criminal, and they call for a high level of knowledge and experience.

    Supreme Court Advocates

    Types Of Supreme Court Cases Handled By Our Lawyers In Delhi

    Civil Rights Cases

    Civil cases

    Conflicts involving two or more parties over property, breaches of contract or agreements, divorce, or landlord-tenant issues are referred to as civil cases.

    Criminal Cases

    Criminal cases

    Examples of cognizable offenses include murder, rape, dacoity, etc. Police officers are not permitted by law to make warrantless arrests for non-recognizable offenses. These criminal cases aren’t all that severe.

    Constitutional Cases

    Constitutional cases

    Any judgment, decree, or final order issued by a High Court in a civil, criminal, or other procedure may be appealed if the High Court in question certifies that the matter raises a significant issue of law pertaining to the interpretation of the constitution.

    Administrative Law Cases

    Administrative cases

    An administrative law hearing resembles a trial that is taking place in a courtroom. But in this kind of hearing, a disagreement governed by a governmental body is at issue. Administrative hearings create factual records for matters that are going toward a resolution.

    International Law Cases

    Appellate cases

    For any judgment, decree, or final order of a High Court in both civil and criminal cases involving significant legal issues, the High Court concerned may grant a certificate under Articles 132(1), 133(1), or 134 of the Constitution invoking the Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction.

    Environmental Law Cases

    Original jurisdiction cases

    When a case comes before a court for the first time, it is said to have original jurisdiction over the topic. In the instance of the Indian Supreme Court, Article 131 governs the court’s original jurisdiction. It concerns the following instances: any conflict involving one or more States and the Indian government.

    Intellectual Property Cases

    Public interest litigation cases

    Briefly said, PIL cases are court cases involving any public interest. Anybody with the desire to uphold the “public interest” may file a lawsuit in any court of law. PIL has attained a significant status in our court system.

    Business Law Cases

    Writ cases

    It has the authority to issue the following five writs: prohibition, quo warranto, certiorari, quo warranto, and habeas corpus. A writ is a directive or order issued by a higher court (such as the Supreme Court or the High Court) requiring someone to carry out or refrain from carrying out a certain action.

    Intellectual Property Cases

    Review cases

    To review is to scrutinize or restudy, according to the definition. Therefore, the review of judgment is a second look at the case’s facts and judgment. The substantive authority of review by the court described in Section 114 of CPC is the review of judgment.

    Business Law Cases

    Special leave petition cases

    If there is a significant legal issue or there has been a serious injustice committed, an SLP may be filed. In accordance with this, the party who has been wronged is given a special permit to appear before the Supreme Court in an appeal against any court’s or tribunal’s order or decision made within Indian territory.

    Why Choose Wintrustlegal for your Supreme Court cases in Delhi

    Extensive Experience in Supreme Court Litigation

    Because problems are typically rather complicated, it is occasionally important to tackle them cautiously and thoroughly. Our top Supreme Court attorneys in Delhi are experienced in dealing with such challenging circumstances and ensure our customers that they will get the best outcomes as soon as feasible.

    Unparalleled Expertise in Constitutional Law

    Professional Supreme Court lawyers who deal with difficult situations make up our team of experts. Contacting us is a great idea because we offer excellent services at reasonable prices.

    Track Record of Successful Supreme Court Cases

    We have completed many projects thanks to the commitment and diligence of our top Supreme Court lawyers in Delhi. This is the cause of the daily increase in consumer numbers. In reality, many large corporations and well-known individuals utilize our professional services.

    Business Law Cases
    Supreme Court Attorney

    Strong Advocacy Skills and Persuasive Arguments

    The group is highly knowledgeable and perceptive in this field. The team is extremely knowledgeable and up-to-date on new legislative changes and administrative requirements made for this sector.

    Comprehensive Understanding of Supreme Court Procedures and Rules

    Our staff assists the clients in reaching the required results by utilizing forward-thinking research, persistent teamwork, experience, and particular participation in the relevant area of law.

    How we are different from other Supreme Court advocates in Delhi

    We provide dependable information and legal counsel. Consequently, many think of us as Delhi’s top legal representation. We have a reputation for giving each of our clients individual attention and taking great care to serve them. We pay close attention to our client’s concerns and take appropriate action to address each one. Whatever the circumstance, we guarantee our clients’ total happiness. People use Wintrustlegal as their supreme court law firm in Delhi because we handle even the most delicate matters with great tact.

    Supreme Court Lawyers Delhi

    Our Process

    The first step entails presenting a petition to the Supreme Court of India. We will work with you to carefully prepare and submit the required paperwork, assuring that all legal standards are met. The court will then assess your case and set a hearing date. Our attorneys will zealously defend your rights and eloquently explain your case throughout the hearing. The court will next make a judgment in light of the evidence offered.

    Supreme Court Process in Delhi

    Benefits of hiring Wintrustlegal for Supreme Court Cases in Delhi

    It is crucial to select the best experts in the area when looking for legal representation in India. Top Supreme Court attorneys in Delhi excel in this area. Our constant commitment to our clients sets us apart. Our Best Supreme Court lawyers in Delhi go above and beyond to obtain the best results for our clients and have a thorough understanding of the complexity of Indian law. We have established a reputation as one of Delhi’s most prestigious and reliable law companies because of our Supreme Court attorney in Delhi has significant experience and expertise.

    Why Choose Wintrustlegal

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    Professional Attorneys
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    legal service

    “The Supreme Court lawyers at Wintrustlegal have inexplicable experience at handling the cases related to the appeals in apex court.”

    Tushar Raheja

    legal service

    “I was involved in a major property dispute, which dragged us to the Supreme Court of India, thankfully with Wintrustlegal’ support we were able to overcome this dispute and fortunately win the same.”

    Priyanka Maheshwari

    legal service

    “I am thankful to Wintrustlegal for their utmost support and guidance for our cases that were represented through them in the Supreme Court of India.”

    Nihal Varma

    Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can assist you with your case.


    There are numerous legal options or approaches to the Indian Supreme Court.   The Supreme Court may hear your case in a number of methods, some of which are listed below:

     Special Leave Petitions (SLP) – Civil and Criminal orders resulting from a number of High Courts and Tribunals.Direct

    Article 32 Public Interest Litigation (PIL)

    Writ Petitions

    Review Petition pursuant to Article 137 of the Indian Constitution

    Supreme Court petition for a remedy.

    Petitions for Contempt

    If there is a dispute between several States, original suits may be necessary.

    In every method that the Honourable Judges of the Supreme Court of India can hear your case, lawyers shine and help you.

    Yes, Supreme Court Lawyers in Delhi can represent clients from other states in India.

    First of all, obtaining a particular degree is not necessary to practice law before the Supreme Court or the High Court. You can work as a lawyer in any court after passing the bar exam and receiving a certificate of practice.

    After meeting the requirements for eligibility, advocates who are on record (AOR) appear in the Supreme Court’s examination. Only they have the right to submit a vakalatnama before the Supreme Court.

    Wintrustlegal specializes in handling a diverse range of cases before the Supreme Court of India, including constitutional matters, corporate disputes, commercial litigation, intellectual property disputes, and public interest litigation.

    We have lawyers and advocates who hold several years of experience making them adept in the knowledge of handling cases before the Supreme Court of India.

    Yes, we have our branches located in the various parts of the country.

    We have a proven track record of success as we have successfully represented our clients before the Supreme Court.

    What sets Wintrustlegal apart is our deep expertise, unwavering dedication to client success, meticulous preparation, effective courtroom advocacy, and commitment to providing personalized attention to each client’s case.