Best White Collar Crime Lawyer in Chennai

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    White Collar Crime Lawyer in Chennai

    In high-profile cases involving bribery, corruption, conflicts of interest, financial statement fraud, sanctions against the banks, and other irregularities with legal repercussions in the areas of contract, criminal law, and public policy, the partners in the Wintrustlegal’ White-Collar Crime practice represent clients.

    Our top white-collar crime lawyers in Chennai are in a unique position to offer the full range of forensic investigation services, including forensic accounting and forensic technology services. Our team consists of attorneys, forensic auditors, forensic technologists, corporate intelligence experts, certified fraud reviewers, and company secretarial professionals.

    Types of White Collar Crime cases handled by our Lawyers in Chennai

    Insider Trading

    Insider trading is the purchase or sale of stock in a publicly traded corporation by a person who has access to substantial, non-public information about the company. Our best white collar crime lawyers in Chennai provide services to tackle insider trading.


    One or more people who were given assets to hold onto or utilize for certain purposes withhold them with the intent to convert them, which is considered the crime of embezzlement. To combat embezzlement, we offer a range of services.

    Money Laundering

    The processing of criminally obtained funds to conceal their illicit source is known as money laundering. This procedure is crucial because it allows the criminal to benefit from the income without endangering their source. Money laundering legal advice is given by our white collar crime attorney in Chennai.

    Securities Fraud

    Securities fraud, sometimes referred to as stock fraud and investment fraud, is a dishonest practice carried out in the stock or commodities markets to persuade investors to buy or sell securities based on misleading information. We furthermore offer services to prevent securities fraud.

    Ponzi Schemes

     A Ponzi scheme is one in which funds placed by new investors are used to pay returns to older investors. The newcomers could not see any profits, and, in certain situations, they might even see a loss on their initial investment. We shield our customers from falling for Ponzi schemes.


    Bribery is the act of offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving something of value in order to influence the behavior of someone who is charged with a public or legal obligation. We abhor bribery and safeguard our clients from becoming a victim of it.

    Tax Evasion

    Avoiding paying your tax obligations as an individual or business is considered tax evasion. Tax evasion is a serious infraction that carries harsh penalties and criminal accusations. Our white collar crime advocates in Chennai protect the clients against tax evasion.


    Criminal action that uses or targets a computer, a computer network, or a networked device is known as cybercrime. The majority of cybercrime is conducted by hackers or cybercriminals who are after financial gain.

    Antitrust Violations

    Antitrust laws, which safeguard trade and commerce from unethical practices, including price-fixing, restrictions, price discrimination, and monopolization, are broken when they are violated. Our best white collar crime advocates in Chennai defend our customers against antitrust infringement.

    Intellectual Property Theft

    Intellectual property theft occurs when a person or organization has their invention, creative expression, or idea taken from them. When someone commits IP theft, they can also be stealing trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, or patents.

    Why Choose Wintrustlegal for your White Collar Crime Cases in Chennai

    Experienced White Collar Crime Lawyers

    Our founder member, who practiced as a renowned criminal lawyer for a number of years prior to starting the white collar crime law firms in Chennai, had the experience and expertise that gave rise to our success in this practice area.

    Comprehensive Understanding of White Collar Crime Laws

    Our experts have in-depth knowledge of conducting complex internal and international investigations into issues like financial statement fraud, bribery, and corruption, kickbacks, vendor fraud, as well as other issues like workplace misconduct, and other behavioral problems at the workplace, data theft, etc.

    Proven Track Record of Success in White Collar Crime Cases

    Our White Collar Crime law firm in Chennai has a successful history. We have assisted many customers in navigating the judicial system and winning their disputes.

    Personalized Approach to Each Case

    In addition to offering defense in investigations, criminal trials, and court appeals, we help clients undertake internal audits, design adequate risk mitigation strategies, and conduct audits.

    Strong Advocacy and Negotiation Skills in White Collar Crime Cases

    The firm has extensive experience handling and defending inquiries into criminal proceedings and inquiries concerning corporate white collar crime. It frequently gives counsel and takes part in authority processes related to justice and investigation.

    How we are different from other White Collar Crime advocates in Chennai

    A strong practice group at Wintrustlegal has years of experience assisting clients with data breaches, fraud, and corruption, as well as compliance, related investigations. It features a multidisciplinary staff made up of solicitors and forensic investigators with experience in the whole range of white-collar concerns, from compliance to litigation.

    Our Process

    Our White Collar Crime legal procedure includes a number of procedures, such as an investigation, a study of the available evidence, and court representation. Our skilled team of attorneys can develop specialized legal strategies to meet each client’s unique demands because of the close collaboration we have with our clients. To collect data and develop a compelling argument, we perform in-depth investigations. The evidence is also examined by our white collar crime lawyers in Chennai to spot any holes in the prosecution’s case. We vigorously defend our client’s rights and interests in court as we act as their legal representatives.

    Benefits of hiring Wintrustlegal for White Collar Crime Cases in Chennai

    Our clients admire the mature and polished solutions we develop, which are essential for tackling delicate and politically charged problems, in addition to our commercially viable approach. The amount of litigation that such cases typically involve can be handled by us efficiently in a variety of settings, including arbitration.

    The team frequently provides pre- and post-investigation guidance to the audit committees and boards of clients’ corporations. Benchmarking compliance programs, revamping compliance programs, and performing training in accordance with industry and regulatory best practices (in relation to multilateral development banks, the FCPA, and the UKBA) are a few of these.

    Why Choose Wintrustlegal

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    Years Of Experience
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    National Offices
    0 +
    Professional Attorneys
    0 mlns
    Recovered Cost


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    “I was dealing with a legal problem involving white-collar crime. My friend recommended Wintrustlegal, and I have to admit that they are well above my expectations. Their legal team was very competent and gave me the greatest legal counsel.”

    Rajith K

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    “When our company was faced with a white collar crime case, Wintrustlegal stepped in to save the day. We're delighted we did since they gave us the greatest services for our case.”

    Gaurav Murthy

    legal service

    “I was saddened and unsure of what to do after discovering that I was a victim of white collar crime. I decided to contact Wintrustlegal at that point after finding them online. Their legal team was sympathetic and aware of my circumstance.”

    K. Narayana

    Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can assist you with your case.


    White collar crime includes fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, and insider trading and refers to non-violent crimes committed by people or groups with the intention of gaining financial gain.

    White-collar offenses most frequently involve fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, and money laundering.

    Defendants in white-collar crimes have particular difficulties. These defendants are typically professionals. They have an enormous personal fortune, their own businesses, and business licenses. A felony or indictable conviction for a white-collar crime might undermine the foundation they have fought so hard to build.

    The penalties for white-collar crimes include fines, home detention, community confinement, paying the cost of the prosecution, forfeitures, restitution, supervised release, and imprisonment. 

    The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) was established by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) with the goal of investigating and prosecuting white-collar offenses. The SFIO was created in July 2003 in response to the Naresh Chandra Committee’s recommendations.

    The rights and interests of the client are Wintrustlegal’ top priority. Since we are committed to developing a client-centric strategy to address the conflicts our clients are involved in, we believe that our customers should be free from stress while we handle their white collar crime investigation or trial.

    Yes, we the help of our expert lawyers at Wintrustlegal, you can mitigate your losses if you have been a victim of white collar crime.

    Any combination of incarceration, probation, making restitution, and fine payments, as well as community service, can be used as a punishment for white collar crime. You can end up paying for the expense of the prosecution, giving up the proceeds of the crime, and going to jail or being placed under home arrest.

    In order to help our white-collar crime attorneys stay up with the dynamics of shifting laws and regulations linked to white-collar crime, Wintrustlegal has a skilled team of researchers and paralegals. We develop an aggressive strategy for our defense in white collar crime cases.

    A skilled attorney will be upfront, sincere, and reasonable regarding their fee structure. Therefore, you should look for a person whose fees are appropriate for the situation. A wise attorney always accepts a reasonable fee because they have faith in their capacity to handle your case. A team of experienced and effective solicitors works for Wintrustlegal and charges their clients reasonably for their services.